Terms of service

In the realm of cyber, where perils reside,
Checklink.org stands as a trusted guide.
Our service, a shield against scams and deceit,
We check URLs and links, ensuring your seat.

    Welcome to our "Terms of Service" page,
    Where we outline our commitment, strong and sage.
    With words woven in a poetic thread,
    Let us embark on this journey, where safety is spread.
  1. Check URL Safety

    We, at Checklink.org, employ our might,
    To check URLs diligently, both day and night.
    Our URL scanner, a formidable force,
    Ensures your browsing stays on a secure course.
    Safe link checker, our guardian true,
    Filters out threats, protecting you.
    We test links with precision, our link tester's art,
    Shielding you from dangers, right from the start.
  2. Check Link for Virus

    Viruses and malware, a digital plague,
    Checklink.org safeguards, never vague.
    We check links for viruses, no stone unturned,
    With meticulous scrutiny, our lessons learned.
    Your safety is our priority, our solemn vow,
    Ensuring links are safe, here and now.
  3. IP Blacklist Check

    IP addresses, a gateway to explore,
    But spam and blacklists may knock at your door.
    Checklink.org, your IP spam check,
    Filters out unwanted, with an expert's tech.
    IP blacklist check, a watchful eye,
    Protecting your online presence, oh so sly.
    No malicious intent shall penetrate,
    As we guard your IP, your digital estate.
  4. Bound by Our "Terms of Service"

    As you embark on this digital quest,
    Abide by our "Terms of Service," the very best.
    Respect our guidelines, our code of trust,
    To ensure a safe haven, where all can adjust.
    We're here to protect, to safeguard your way,
    But cooperation is key, day after day.
In conclusion, dear user, our "Terms of Service" we present,
A poetic journey, where safety is meant.
Checklink.org, your shield in this digital sphere,
Together we'll conquer, all doubts we'll clear.
With vigilance and care, we'll navigate,
Ensuring your online ventures are truly great.